Baronial Policies and Forms

Below are links to Baronial policies, event administration guidelines, and other official documents.

Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of this page regarding conflicting versions of these documents. If such a conflict is found, please notify the Webminister.

The current login information for documents that require it is:
Username: Request the current username from the webminister:
Password: Request the current username from the webminister:

Policy Documents
SCA, Inc. Electronic Publication Policy (a subset of the Society Chronicler's Policies)
SCA, Inc. Gift Giving by SCA Groups (PDF)
Debatable Lands Baronial Governance Policy (PDF) [updated December 2023]
Debatable Lands Baronial Financial Policy (PDF) [updated December 2023]
Debatable Lands Event Bid Policy (and related forms)
Debatable Lands Social Media Policy for the Populace Discussion Group on Facebook
Debatable Lands Website Editorial Policy
Debatable Lands DEIB Statement (PDF) [October 2023]
Gold Key Loaner Garb Guidelines
Cash Advance Form — Microsoft Excel or PDF
Reimbursement Form — Microsoft Excel or PDF
Required Bullying & Harassment Display Posting — Portrait or Landscape
Website Event Permissions Form