Our Baronial Herald, the Comet Pursuivant, hosts Office Hours the first and third Monday of every month, from 7:00-9:00pm, on Google Hangouts. If you have any questions about heraldry, or would like assistance researching and documenting a name, or designing armory, these Hangouts are open to anyone and everyone. To be sent a link to the next Hangout when it begins, contact Comet Pursuivant.
Are you interested in registering a name or heraldic device ("coat of arms") for your use in the SCA? If you aren't available to join the Office Hours, you can also contact Comet Pursuivant for personalized assistance from one of the many knowledgeable and friendly consulting heralds in the Barony.
In addition, heraldic Consultation Tables -- where heralds bring their resources and make themselves available for on-demand name and armory assistance -- are held at SCA events throughout the year. For information on what upcoming events will feature Consultation Tables, contact Comet Pursuivant.
Getting a name or armory registered is a lengthy process that involves receiving input, called Heraldic Commentary, from heralds throughout Æthelmearc and the Known World. Dame Elsbeth Anne Roth and Master Alaric MacConnal host a commenting group at their house as time and interest permit. Contact Comet Pursuivant to be put in touch with Dame Elsbeth and Master Alaric for more information on when they will next host a Commenting group.