The Report of the Court of Their Excellencies, Brandubh et Hilderun, Baron and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands held at Agincourt on the 23rd day of October anno societatis 56, by the Leave of Their Sylvan Majesties Gareth and Juliana, King and Queen of Aethelmearc, Baron Brandubh O’Donnghaile reporting herald, court conducted by Master Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant.
Afternoon Court:
Upon the Fencing Field Lord Li Chang was awarded a Silver Comet for his growing skills in creating all of the items needed for his martial pursuits, making arrows, crossbows, fencing weapons, and armor. Scroll by Lady Forveleth Dunde.
Evening Court:
Their Excellencies invited Meestres Odriana vander Brugghe, the autocrat to come forward and thank her staff for the event.
Signora Benedicta di Venezia was called out of the kitchen and thanked for running her first feast, and Their Excellencies presented her with Salt and Jam by THLady Cassandra Matis.
Their Excellencies held Signora Benedicta di Venezia in Their Court a moment longer, as They had noted her skill in many previous kitchens assisting others with their culinary visions, and so They awarded her a Silver Comet. Scroll scrivened by THLady Rachel Dalicieux and limned by Baron Alaric MacConnal.
Their Excellencies thanked the Marshalls and winners of the Tournaments that day.
Their Excellencies read the scroll into the record of Jackie of the Debatable Lands awarding her an Iron Comet for her skills in equestrian competitions given at equestrian practice. Scroll by THLady Gesa von Wellenstein.
Lady Arthes MacLeod was awarded a Gold Comet in absentia for her service as Baronial Exchequer. Scroll by Lady Rose O’Tierrany upon words by Baron Alaric MacConnal.
Lord Skjoldr Bjorn was awarded a Gold Comet in Absentia for his service as Baronial Chronicler. Scroll by THLady Gesa von Wellenstein upon a text by Baron Alaric MacConnal.
Their Excellencies gave tokens to all scribes, wordsmiths and regalia makers who contributed to Their Court.
The Baron and Baroness thanked all for attending, competing, and contributing to the grandeur of the Barony that day, and wished all safe travels.
Court Closed
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