Here begins the report of the Court of Uilliam and Constance, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at Debatable Lands Twelfth Night, 17 January AS 49, in the presence of Their Majesties Titus and Anna Leigh, King and Queen of Æthelmearc, Drotinn Jorundr hinn Rotinn, Comet Pursuivant, reporting with the assistance of Lord Markus Skalpir Grimson.
After ensuring that all present had fun and enough sustenance, Their Excellencies remarked that there seemed to be more people here than were present during first Court.
Lady Sumayya al Ghaziyya was invited to address the Court as she had held a competition to determine her successor as Arts and Sciences Champion of the Barony. Their Excellencies had a hard time deciding between all the beautiful entries that Their populace had submitted, but They eventually were able to choose one. Lady Hara Kikumatsu's hand sewn Japanese garment caught Their eyes as being particularly fine and so They determined to invest Hara with the regalia of Champion. Scroll by Odriana vander Brugghe.
Lady Bugga Bilibit and Master William de Montegilt were also ready to step aside as the Co-Bardic Champions of the Barony. As William was ill and could not make it to the event, Bugga ran the competition alone this day. A harrowing competition lead to Lady Silence de Cherbourg being named Champion this day. The regalia to be delivered at a later point as it is in the care of William. Scroll by Odriana vander Brugghe.
The Brewing Champion, not to be outdone, also held a competition to determine Lady Abbatissa Dreye di Baneburi's successor. After much personal and public shaming and making people go home to retrieve forgotten brews Abbatissa was able to procure 5 entries. One caught Her Excellency's and His Excellency's personal taster of the day's, Sir Thorgrim Skullsplitter, who was willing to pit his mettle against all beverages this day, particular notice as being worthy of recognition above the rest. Thus Their Excellencies bid Lord Valaric Dalicieux attend Them. There being no specific wording against choose a champion who lives outside a barony's borders in the Seven Pearls Charter, Their Excellencies did invest Valaric as Their Brewing Champion. Scroll by Odriana vander Brugghe.
Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope ran a heraldic quest this day. Participants were to answer a series of questions regarding the awards of Æthelmearc and their badges. All who entered the quest turned in the correct answers, thus Her Excellency was asked to draw one of the names to determine who would win the handmade banner from Arianna. Lady Alyssa von Stahlgeist was chosen as victor.
Mistress Allesandra d'Avignon and Master Robert Marsden were invited into court. Their Excellencies wished to express the depth of Their gratitude for the personal assistance of Allesandra and Robert after Lady Ruaidri's car accident, and so They wished to present a personal token. After some confusion about the explosive properties of the gift it was determined that with some effort it would indeed explode, though that might not be the best use to which it could be put.
Their Excellencies wished to have words with Duke Eliahu ben Itzhak. Ever since moving into the Canton of Steltonwald, Duke Eliahu has been very active in reviving the fighters and fighter practice of the Canton, as well as coming to the barony practices to help with training there. While this is the actions expected of a Knight and a Duke, Their Excellencies believe that it goes beyond that, and as They are in a position to do something about this situation they chose to award Duke Eliahu a Gold Comet. Scroll by the hands of Aidan ni Lier.
Their Excellencies saw another in the crowd that They needed to address. Mistress Amaryllis Coleman is known not only for her dedication as a Chirurgeon, but she is also known to attend Steltonwald's sewing circles and assist many learning to sew and creating patterns for them. Thus Their Excellencies chose to award her a Gold Comet. Scroll by Arianna of Wynthrope.
The representatives of the Canton of Steltonwald were invited to attend Their Excellencies. They had a good year at War Practice and decided to share some of their profit with the Barony. Their Exchequer will get together with the Baronial Exchequer and make it happen.
The members of Ii Genesii were summoned before the Court. They had been awarded a Gold Comet at Pennsic and due to weather the scroll never got delivered into their hands at Pennsic. Their Excellencies did so at this time. After a mighty confusion over just what Ii Genesii would do with the scroll the members of Ii Genesii scampered away.
THL Elss of Augsburg, the day's autocrat wished to make some announcements.
There was indeed a cookie competition this day, there were 4 different winners chosen in the cookie competition from the 8 entries. His Majesty favored the Springerliek cookies of Lady Lucetta di Cosimo. Her Majesty thought the lady fingers of Master Bovi farmathr were quite excellent. His excellency decided that none could rival the bacon chocolate bites of Lady Abbatissa Dreye di Baneburi. Her Excellency determined that the gluten free chocolate chip cookies of Lady Lucetta di Cosimo were quite delicious.
Elss then spoke of how she was originally invited to run a small local event that hardly anyone goes to, that she ran 6 times. She determined that that was quite enough, and she needed to retire. Elss being very canny at how these this work prepared not only a bribe for Their Excellencies and Their Majesties, but she had duped, er recruited her replacement, Hrafnr Erlander inn Raudi. After querying the populace Their Excellencies determined to allow Elss to retire.
Before They permitted her to leave, however, Their Excellencies had further words with Elss. Their Excellencies have noticed the long and dedicated service of Elss, and They had a certain group of people who represent that to the known world. Thus Their Excellencies inducted Elss into the Order of Copernicus, as the second ever non-peer and only current non-peer in the order. Scroll by Odrianna vander Brugghe.
Their Excellencies thanked all for attending as it was a truly amazing event, and They look forward to Erlandr next year.
Court Closed.
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