Here begins the report of the Court of Their Excellencies, Uiliam and Constance, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at Archers to the Wald in the Canton of Steltonwald, 4 October AS 49, in the presence of Their Majesties, Titus and Anna Leigh, King and Queen of Ęthelmearc, Tamamune-san Gentarou Yoshitaka, herald.
Their Excellencies' Youth Archery Champion was to step down today, thus did Carl Brandubhson hold a tournament to determine his successor, Fineas of the Debatable Lands did win the day and was thus invested with the regalia of the youth archery champion of the debatable lands.
The adult archery champion had also become weary this day, and wished to retire, Their Excellencies found this to be acceptable, thus Ichikeiro Osoroshi-san hosted a grand tournament in which Lord Magnus Bastiano di Vigo proved to be most skillful, and was thus invested with the regalia of champion.
The thrown weapons champion was also scheduled to change this day, thus di Countess Rosalinda di Castille hold a tournament to determine her successor. Lord Haldorr bildr Fintanson proved to have the greatest skill of the day and was invested with the champion's regalia.
Their Excellencies had further words with Lord Magnus Bastiano di Vigo and so had him return to Their presence. His skill at archery and fencing has traveled far, thus They would have him be marked as one who has achieved favor in Their eyes, and so They did award him a Red Comet.
Their Excellencies had business with one, Anorra of Steltonwald. They had heard good things about her mighty skills with the bow, and so awarded her a Red Comet.
Court Closed.
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