Here begins the record of the court of their Excellencies Liam and Constance, Baron and Baroness of these Debatable Lands, on December 3rd, Anno Societatis 46, at the Costuming and Rapier Academy, Lord Pavel Dudoladov reporting herald.
First, the presence of Lord Pavel Dudoladov, the autocrat of the event, was requested. He proceeded to thank all those involved in running the event. Their Excellencies then remarked upon his service at the event and as baronial herald, thus they inducted him into the order of the Gold Comet; presenting him with a scroll calligraphed by Kameshima and illuminated Isabel Fleuretan.
Baron Ogami no Arashimoto no Shiro was invited forth by their Excellencies. Their Excellencies spoke of his unceasing service to the barony as its knight marshall and for this made him a member of the order of the Gold Comet; presenting him with a scroll by Zhang Ming Li Gui Fei.
Their Excellencies then called forward Lady Rosalia Iuliana Andre. They spoke of her work with the college of Cour d'Or. In recognition of this they inducted her into the order of the Gold Comet, presenting her with a scroll calligraphed by Keiran MacRae and illuminated by Bovi Farnadr.
Next Mistress Irene von Schmetterling was requested. Their Excellencies remarked upon her dedicated service as fencing marshall, improving the Barony; therefore they made her a member of the order of the Gold Comet, honored with a scroll by Hrefna fruiþkona Þorgrímsdóttir.
Isabel Fleuretan was invited forth by their Excellencies. Their Excellencies spoke of her skill as an illuminator and thank her for the many scrolls she had made and for this made her a member of the order of the Comet Azure-Argent; presenting her with a scroll by Aiden ni Leir.
Their Excellencies then spoke of Baron Quinn Kerr. They spoke kind words of his friendship with the barony and asked that a representative would send forth a scroll by Odrianna vander Brugghe commemorating his induction into the order of the Green Comet.
The presence of Lady Gabrielle de Winter was then requested. Their Excellencies commended her on her great work with the College of Silva Vulcani and their welcoming of any members of the barony who choose to join in Silva Vulcani's activities; thus they did induct her into the order of the Green Comet; presenting her with a scroll calligraphed by Keiran MacRae and illuminated by Alaric MacConnell.
Next their Excellencies called Creador Twynedragon and Chi Anling forward. They spoke of their outstanding and dedicated work in the kitchens of their barony and therefore inducted both of them into the order of the Green Comet presenting him with a scroll calligraphed by Kameshima, illuminated by Elss of Augsburg, and her with a scroll by Aiden ni Leir.
There being no further business the court of Their Excellencies, Liam and Constance, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands was closed.
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