Court Report for the First Court of Byron & Ariella, Æthelmearc 10th Year Celebration
June 16, AS xlii (2007)

The report of the court of Their Excellencies Byron and Ariella Baron and Baroness Debatable Lands, held by leave of Their Royal Majesties Rurik and Angelik King and Queen of Æthelmearc, Duncan and Ilish Prince and Princess of Æthelmearc attending. Court held on Saturday Morning June 16th AS xxxxii at Æthelmearc 10th Anniversary Event held at Coopers Lake Camp ground, Brandubh O'Donnghaile reporting herald.

Their Excellencies opened Their Court and did warmly greet Their Populace for the first time as they sat upon Their thrones.

Baron Alonzio of the Peacemakers and Baroness Tatyana the Kushka were invited to attend Their Excellencies Byron and Ariella. For years of service to the barony Alonzio was awarded a Comet Or made by the hand of Kazi. Likewise for her years of service was Tatyana awarded a Comet Or made by Illuminated by Lara Sukhadrev, Scrivened by Aindreas mac Ghille Fhionntaigh a' Ghaoithe Airgid.

Byron and Ariella did thank several Gentles who lent their support to Their Excellencies as they prepared to take on the duties of the Coronets of the Debatable Lands, and invited the populace to join Them at a luncheon reception in Their honor.

There being no further business, the court of Their Excellencies was closed.

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