The Following being the report of the Court held by His Excellency Alonzio, Baron Debatable Lands, Court Held at the Day at the Medieval Faire Demo held in the Shire of Kings Crossing on the 18th day of February AS xl, 2006, Herald of record Brandubh O Donnghaile.
His Excellency invited the Co-autocrats Gabrys and Drogomir von Lutwin into his presence. Gabrys as Drogomir thanked His Excellency for his attendance that day, as well as all of the gentles from the Debatable Lands who journeyed to the event to assist. They then delivered gift baskets to His Excellency for both Their Excellencies and the baronette.
Sionn the Lost was called into His Excellency's court and given a Gold Comet for his service at events, welcoming new members, and skills at fencing and brewing, scroll by Andreas van Hassen.
His Excellency next called Sabastian Wolfgang von Bayern into his presence. Sabastian was given a Gold Comet for his service as event staff, chirurgeon and fighter in the king's army, scroll by Andreas van Hassen.
Van Horne was next bid show himself in the court, he also was given a Gold Comet for his service as event staff and thrown weapons marshall, scroll by Anlaith ingen Trena.
Next was Khodoska Mordasova called into the court of His Excellency, for her service as Pursuivant of Kings Crossing she was given a Gold Comet, scroll by Hrefna inn heppna.
Sven Tyrvisson held a Bear Pit Tourney at the event that afternoon and was invited to announce the winner. After much fun was had in the lists, it became apparent that Sir Christopher Rawlyns had won the tourney.
Ivan Pevcov was next invited to announce the results of the Fencing Tourney of the day. According to the council of the fencers who had fought that day Lady Katherine Vivant was proclaimed the winner of the Tournament.
His Excellency invited Calum Monroe into his presence to conduct business with the Cub Scout troupe that was in attendance that day. Calum announced that Shay had best demonstrated the ideals of courtesy and chivalry of the SCA of all the scouts there present, and gifted him with a flamberged sword.
Donnchadh Dubhglas was invited into His Excellency's court to address all assembled as the Seneschale of the Shire of Kings Crossing. Donnchadh thanked every one for attending, and for making this event the success that it had been.
Donchadh was bid stay a while in the court, for Creador Twinedragon had earlier begged a moment in His Excellecy's court to conduct some of his own business. Creador then officially transferred the last badge of the office of Seneschale of the Sire of Kings Crossing to Donnchadh, the box of files and paper work, complete with chain and shackle.
There being no further business, the Court of His Excellency closed.
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