Debatable Land 50th Birthday Celebration
May 25, 2024
Come and celebrate the 50th birthday of the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands on Saturday, May 25th. Baronessa Violeta and Praetoria Prima will have tournaments to choose all their martial champions. The fencing tournament will also have a garnet and steel coin for the overall fencing tournament winner. All barony champs must be able to compete in the Seven Pearls tournament.
But wait, there’s more: There is an Arts and Sciences display with the theme Something, Old, Something, New. For more detains about the display, see this post on the Barony website: There will also be A&S activities and craft space, a birthday regalia pageant, a history display, party games, a choir concert, and a birthday sing-a-long.
Please bring your own pop-ups, outdoor seating, dishes, drinking vessels, and silverware and COOKIES. That's right, a cookie table will be available as soon as there are cookies on a table.
We have an area near the list field for merchants. There are a limited number of spots. For more details and to reserve a spot, please contact Arianna of Wynthrope,
In case you are worried about having a chance to eat, we plan on having many chances throughout the day:
The Debatable Lands Barony Birthday with be May 25th, 2024 at Old Economy Barn, 5 Forcey Drive, Baden, PA 15005. The site will open at 9am and everyone must be off site by 9pm. Troll opens at 9am and closes at 2pm. The autocrat for this event is Hara Kikumatsu, Sharon Booth, 1105 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15232, 412-441-1607, This is a land-line with an answering machine. Please leave a message. No calls after 9pm. Head Cook is Master Alastar Scott MacCrummin. Email the cook, with any dietary questions or restrictions.
Here is a link to site on Google Maps if people want to get directions:
Additional site information: If you enter park from the main entrance on Rt 989, Ridge Rd Extension, make the first right in the park. That will take you to the barn. If you enter from Legionville Road to Forcey Drive, follow Forcey Drive, continue straight on Forcey Lane. The lot where you park is on the right, just before the road ends at a T intersection. At the site, there is a parking lot next to the barn where you can load and unload. Only handicap and royalty and baronage parking in that lot. All others park in lot 4. Food and beverages will be served on the lower level of the barn. The restrooms on the lower level just outside the side kitchen door. A&S display, fabric painting, and history display are on the upper level of the barn. Heavy fighting, fencing, and thrown weapons are on the field at the far end of the barn. Medieval games will also be run there. Archery will be held behind the barn.

Event Cost:
Adult Event Registration: $30
Adult Member Discount Event Registration: $20
Youth 6-17: $8
Children under age of 6 are free.
Family Child Cap for more than 2 children 6-17: $16
Make checks payable to SCA PA, Inc. – BMDL. The Head Trollner for this event is Arthes MacLeod, Brandy Straub, email Send pre-registrations to her at 236 Maryellen Dr., North Versailles, PA 15137.