Debatable Lands 12th Night
January 27, 2024
The Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands invites all revelers to attend their 12th Night celebration, to be held January 27, 2024 at the Lodge at North Park. The site has no street address, but is listed in Google Maps as the North Park Lodge on North Ridge Lane, Allison Park, PA 15101. Site will be open from 9 A.M. until 8 P.M.

Come and celebrate the passing of another year. Be entertained by our comedia group, I Genesii, the Debatable Choir and enjoy the hospitality of the Brewers guild. Bid on treasures in our Auction of Highly Desirable items, bring an entry for the cookie making competition, play games, and tell tales or sing songs around our outdoor fire.

The Honorable Lady Elss of Augsburg (Roxanne Hayeslip -, (724) 759-3333) and Lady Arthes of BMDL (Brandy Straub -, (412) 352-0978) will be your autocrats for this event.

Event is potluck, please bring a dish to share. There is limited electricity for hot-held items. Event is hosted at the hospitality of our barony, there is no site fee.

Additional notes on Wheelchair Accessibility: There are two entrances to this building that are wheelchair accessible, unfortunately to get from one floor to the other you must go outside or be able to use the stairs.

Additional Notes on Alcohol Policy: No glass containers.

Additional Notes on Flames: No fires inside building; outdoor fires must be in an elevated fire pit.