Arts & Sciences

The Debatable Lands hosts a wide variety of Arts and Sciences ("A&S") activities, exploring many of the so-called "gentler arts" present in the Middle Ages. Everyone can find something they will enjoy, from calligraphy and illumination to musical pursuits to candlemaking! Read on to find out more about what we do in the Barony, when and where we do it, and how you can be a part of it!

A&S Meetings: Stay tuned!

The A&S Minister is currently working to arrange regular Arts & Sciences meetups where all those with knowledge to share can bring their expertise to the Barony. Contact the Arts & Sciences Minister for more details.


Practitioners of some of the more popular arts in our area have organized into "guilds" that host regular meetings to discuss and practice their particular crafts. Click the links below to find out more about a particular guild.

The list below is by no means exhaustive. If you're interested in a particular medieval art or science and don't see it on the list below, contact the Arts and Sciences Minister to see if anyone in the area is already studying it. If not, start doing some research and share your findings with us!

Armoring - dormant

Bookbinding - Contact Master Michael Alewright.

Brewing - meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm

Debatable Consort (instrumental music) - meets intermittent Thursdays from 7:30-9:00pm

Dancing - meets the last Thursday of each month from 8:00-10:00pm

Fiber Arts - meets monthly; time varies. Contact Lady Luceta di Cosimo or Mistress Irene von Schmetterling.

Food - Contact THL Elss of Augsberg.

Japanese Culture - Contact Magariki-sama Katsuichi no Koredono.

Middle Eastern Culture - Contact Lady Selime Berna.

Pewtercasting - meets Saturdays by appointment. Contact Lady Edana the Red.

Poetry and Bardic Activities - Contact Master Michael Alewright.

Scribal Activities (medieval manuscript calligraphy and illumination) - meets the third Wednesday of every month

Sewing - Meets the first Thursday of each month from 7:30-9:30pm. Contact THL Hara Kikumatsu.

Woodworking - This guild does not meet currently due to pandemic restrictions. Contact this guild through the SCA-BMDL mailing list, through the Debatable Lands Discord server, or by contacting Ishiyama-shonagon Gentarou Yori'ie directly.