Companions of Copernicus
The Baronial award for those whose service continues and is ever growing.
Tofi Kerthjalfadsson2011-08-27Continued Service, Principle
Genevieve du Vent Argent2011-08-27Principle
Arianna of Wynthrope2012-01-14
Graedwynn Mab Teyrnon2012-08-05
Alaric MacConnal2013-01-12
Hilderun Hügelmann2013-07-28
Jocopo di Niccolo2014-01-25
Urho Waltterinen2014-05-25
Irene von Schmetterling2014-07-19
Elsbeth Anne Roth2014-08-03
Elss of Augsburg2015-01-17
Ishiyama Gen'tarou Yori'ie2015-08-02
William de Montegilt2016-01-23
J?rundr hinn Rotinn2016-02-13
Aidan ni Leir2016-02-13
Odriana vander Brugghe2017-08-07
Ts'vee'a bas Tseepora Levi2018-08-05
Rufina Saavedra2019-08-04
Remus Fletcher2021-01-16