Comets for Friendship
The barony's awards for recognizing the friendship of those who do not live within the barony's borders.
Arianna of Wynthrope1990-01-06
Michael Langley of Riversmeet1990-01-09
Cai Ap Cai1990-01-09
Donnan MacDubhsidhe1990-11-10
Ian Damebrigge of Wychwood1990-11-10
Barak Elandris Bear the Wallsbane1998-07-16
Vaunda of Hunter's Home2000-07-01
Cynwulf Rendell2001-05-19
Ceinwen ferch Llwelyn ab Owain2001-05-19
Gideon Lydiard2001-08-12
Branwyn Fitzpayne2001-08-12
Marixa of Crawfordsmuir2001-08-12
Martin Lewis2001-12-01
Aindreas mac Ghille Fhionntaigh a' Ghaoithe Airgid2001-12-01
Antoinette de la Croix2002-01-19
Christopher Rawlyns2002-06-22
Ilish O'Donovan of Cork2002-09-21
Berengaria de Hainault2002-09-21
Lodowick of Grays Inn2003-07-12
James Irvin2003-07-12
Edmund Lambert of Tregelles2003-07-12
Rurik Longsword2003-07-12
Rowan le Beau2004-02-14
Tomas Devoti2004-02-14
Ceinwen ferch Llwelyn ab Owain2004-04-03
Nivah Catherine Rose of Bannockburn2005-05-21
Tofi Kerthjalfadsson2005-08-12
Genevieve du Vent Argent2005-08-14
Conandil ingen donngaile2007-02-17
Deryk Archer2007-10-20
Morien MacBain2009-08-02
Lara Sukhudrov2009-08-02
Brada Aethelward2010-05-22
Lothar Hügelman2011-08-07
Gabrielle de Winter2011-12-03
Creador Twynedragon2011-12-03
Chi Anling2011-12-03
Quinn Kerr2011-12-03
Fiachna mac Cennétig2012-01-14
Deryk Archer2012-05-18
Maria Christina de Cordoba2012-05-26
Household of Stormhaven2012-05-26
The Ten Pint Burly Men2012-08-04
Juan Miguel Cezar2013-01-12
Katla úlfheþinn2013-04-13
Rachel Daliceux2013-07-28
Alime bint Yorgi2013-08-24
Katryne of Bakestonden2013-11-16
Sarab bint Alima2014-01-18
Gathered Clans of the Tuchux2014-07-19Friendship
Aibell Shulaine2014-07-19Friendship
Astridr Vigaskegg2014-08-03
Thorgrim Skullsplitter2014-08-08
Vladimir Mechnik2014-08-08
Lijsbet de Keukere2015-02-07
Finnr jafnkollr2015-02-07
Borderwatch of Æthelmearc2015-08-01
House Sable Maul2015-08-04
Creador Twynedragon2015-11-07
Donnan MacDubhsidhe2016-02-13
Madoc Arundel2017-01-13
Raven Whitehart2017-01-13
Alys MacYntoich2017-05-20
Antonio de Luna2017-08-07
Elsa Taliard2017-08-07
Julianna de Luna2018-06-09
Cormac Mor2018-06-09
Duncan MacCoulagh2019-08-04
Vladimir Mechnik2020-01-18
Sumayya al Ghaziyah2022-04-02
Morikawa Suzu2022-10-17
Lutia Vernier Kitzingen2023-06-10
Jay of the Debatable Lands2023-06-10
Matthias di Lupo Corsi2023-08-06
Kalen Karusson2023-12-16
Kara Ivarsdottir2023-12-16