Retired Landed Barons
Those gentles who have at one point served as a territorial Baron or Baroness but have since retired from that position.
Leonard the Younger1979-02-242nd Baron BMDL
Will Langdon of Greymorne1992-05-163rd Baron BMDL
Ardis Bluemantle1992-05-162nd Baroness BMDL
Genevieve du Vent Argent2000-05-203rd Baroness BMDL
Tofi Kerthjalfadsson2000-05-204th Baron BMDL
Alonzio of the Peacemakers2003-10-185th Baron BMDL
Thomas Byron of Haverford2007-06-166th Baron BMDL
Ariella of Thornbury2007-06-165th Baroness BMDL
Uilliam mac an tÂ’Saoir2011-08-277th Baron BMDL
Constance Glyn Dwr2011-08-276th Baroness BMDL
Brandubh Ó Donnghaile2016-02-138th Baron BMDL
Hilderun Hügelmann2016-02-138th Baroness BMDL